Putting your luggage in the taxi is the driver's job. Taxi "assistants" who lift your luggage into the waiting taxi expect a tip for their trouble. Present your ticket outside to the driver. Expect to pay around 300 pesos for a boleto (ticket) to Polanco. Tell the ticket seller your hotel or destination the price is based on a zone system. Staff members at these authorized taxi booths wear bright-yellow jackets or bibs emblazoned with TAXI AUTORIZADO (authorized taxi). After exiting the baggage-claim area and before entering the public concourse (as well as near the far end of the terminal near Gate A), you'll see a booth marked TAXI. Authorized airport taxis, however, provide good, fast service. Ignore those who approach you in the arrivals hall offering taxis they are usually unlicensed and unauthorized. Note: Mexican airlines will usually not let you check in for a domestic flight if it's less than an hour before departure time. Check in 3 hours before international flights and 2 hours before domestic flights. When departing, be sure to allow at least 45 to 60 minutes' travel time from the Zona Rosa or the zócalo (plaza) area to the airport - add about 30 minutes more if you're traveling during rush hour or bad weather. Telephones (operated by Telmex using prepaid Ladatel cards, available at newsstands and gift shops within the airport) are all along the public concourse.

If they book a hotel, they require 1 night's payment and will give you a voucher to present at the hotel. Representatives make the call according to your specifications for location and price. Look for its booths before you leave the baggage-claim area, or near Gate A on the concourse. The Mexico City Hotel and Motel Association offers a hotel-reservation service for its member hotels.