Set "Antialiasing - Mode" to: Override any application setting Paste 0x000010C1 in the "Antialiasing Combatibility" section Open the Outlast profile ( if you havn't created it yet, look in the previous section ) Open up the Profile settings ( Tool button on the right side of driver version ) To use SGSSAA, you need a nvidia GPU and follow these steps from here: So you can download this file made by LoneWolfDon and just replace it: OR - Download THIS to Replace your config and turn Motion blur off (but you can do it manually (Look just above).-> ( You may have to change the resolution and other things, Only recommended if you don't exactly know how to do it manually) Open " OLSystemSettings.ini", change this: REMBEMBER: Check the box read only in this. FIRST OF ALL: I don't recommend turning off Motion Blur if you are getting like 30fps or less, BUT if you are above 60fps I think is a good Idea to Turn Off Motion Blur.